[“blog” or “website”] uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit this blog.
Personal user information, such as email addresses, location, telephone numbers, employment, etc., are never shared with third parties.
In order to serve ads that are more relevant to you and to the other visitors of this website, ad companies may use information stored in cookies, which are small text files saved on your computer whenever you visit this blog and other websites on the Internet.
These cookies temporarily store information about your visits to and other websites in order to provide advertisements that may be of interest to you.
The following information may be temporarily stored by for use by third parties:
- Type of browser used
- How many visitors arrive
- New vs. repeat visitors
- How often a visitor has visited
When you visit any website, view an ad, or click on an ad, such as one served by Google Adsense, a cookie is set in your browser. If served by Google, such advertising cookie will appear in your browser as coming from the domain “” is not a virus or a trojan.
Cookies store general information, such as what browser you use, time your current visit occurred, whether you have been to this blog before, and what site referred you to this blog. The cookie also controls the number of times a certain ad is shown to you each time you refresh the page or visit this blog again.
Cookies never stores personal information, such as your identity, geographical location, or your job location.
The cookies can be cleared from your computer by either clearing your cache or by setting your computer to clear cookies each time you power down your computer. Click here to learn how to clear cookies from your computer.
Google Analytics disclosure uses Google Analytics to track your visits to this website in order to provide current traffic statistics for to third-party advertisers and other affiliates. Google Analytics provides reports about how visitors interact with websites so website owners can improve their website and how people find it. A different cookie is used for each website, and visitors are not tracked across multiple sites.
Google Analytics requires that all websites that use it must update their privacy policy to include a notice that fully discloses the use of Analytics. To disable this type of cookie, some browsers will indicate when a cookie is being sent and allow you to decline cookies on a case-by-case basis. In addition to declining cookies, you can also install the Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on in your browser, which prevents Google Analytics from collecting information about your visits to this website.