INGLEWOOD – Planet Fitness has announced the addition of new fitness equipment to their two locations in Inglewood, California.
“Planet Fitness clubs have added new plate loaded equipment and strength and cardio equipment for all fitness levels,” said a spokesperson for Planet Fitness.
Strength training can improve your strength, balance and flexibility and can help reduce injuries. And, industry trends have shown consumers are looking for more strength equipment. To meet these demands, Planet Fitness added the new plate loaded equipment including Magnum Supine Bench Presses, Magnum Hack Squats and Magnum Seated Calf machines. The new strength equipment is designed to improve both strength and power by working every muscle in your upper body, lower body, and core. The equipment also targets pectorals, full lower body and calves, and helps to incorporate a more balanced footprint of cardio and strength machines at the club.
These new pieces of equipment are in addition to Planet Fitness’s already existing best-in-class strength [and cardio] equipment – such as dumbbells/free weights, Smith machines, pin-loaded equipment and more, with plenty of places to stretch, too. In addition, free fitness training is included with all memberships. Planet Fitness offers a judgement-free experience for all fitness levels.
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