60 years later after the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the people of America are standing up once again today after participating in a 24-Hour Economic Black Out on Friday, February 28, 2025.
This national boycott organized by civil rights activist Reverend Al Sharpton is currently in action from the east to west coast with all shades of people in America participating in a modern day show of economic will and power.
The protest is largely aimed at major corporations immediately rushed without hesitation to end DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) policies and programs at the bidding of newly re-elected 47th President Donald Trump.

This Black Out Day takes a page directly from the history books and the Birmingham Bus Boycott occurred decades ago in 1955 which proved the value of using “buying power” to hit corporations in their pocket to demand respect be given to all customers—regardless of race or creed.
Compton residents are being urged and called upon to not spend a single penny on this day in America.
Black and brown residents in solidarity are urged not to shop anytime today at any large chains in town including Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy, Amazon, nor any other restaurants, banks, gas stations, businesses and other services.
Compton residents are instead encouraged to not shop at all the entire day, or if in need, to only seek out minority-owned local businesses to spend their hard-earned dollars.
Blacks and Latinos together control trillions of dollars in spending power. So the weapon of choice will once again be a color and language that all capitalist corporations readily can comprehend. Green as in dollars.
For in just two short months, disenfranchised Americans have seen an astonishing major rollback of their status with the ending of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Only this time the victims are not limited to just Blacks or African-Americans, but Latinos, the disabled, veterans, women, immigrants, federal workers and the LGBTQ community, just to list a few.
These are all groups benefitted the last few decades with more freedoms, directly due the original 1960’s Civil Rights Movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King, a victory paid with both black and even white shared sacrifice and blood.
But within the very same lifetime when many are still alive today who fought and marched back then, a white conservative Republican backlash is now in full forward motion in the aftermath of the election of the country’s first Black President Barack Obama.
The response by some largely White Americans has been to re-elect Republican President and felon, Donald Trump, who is now seated and backed by majority control of both Houses of Congress as well as a conservative Supreme Court.
All three branches of government are now working in coordination to restore what is termed “conservative values.” A misleading term that many other citizens think reads differently, as the restoration of racist white ideology, crept right back into the highest political office and echelons of government in the land.
The only question now remains is how far back are Republicans trying to turn the dial? To just a smaller federal workforce? Separate but Equal? Economic Slavery? The end of the great 400-year democratic experiment? The crowning of a self-proclaimed would-be King?
The theories are as many as the agency cuts.
For when faced with multiculturalism and the predictably loss of their place as the dominant racial majority in America, whites males have literally circled the wagons to restore, protect and maintain a white male-dominated society.
It may be the last white gasp in a planet now dominated in sheer numbers by minorities, worldwide, or the staking of a white dominant regrouped society in the northern hemisphere of the world (hence America, Russia, Greenland, Canada, Gulf of America enjoined) under the misleading banner of “Make America Great Again.”
For with Trump’s new America now abandoning and leaving exposed its traditional European allies to instead embrace Vladimir Putin, Russia now could easily sweep downwards to take over Europe which is a palpable fear has countries wearily looking westward to Washington, DC.
The world as we know it is in flux and the outcome of these changes and the struggle taking place right now will soon one day set the final future course of America.
For many minorities watching, this now means that White American must now decide whether “America as a democracy” is actually cherished and meant, or was that just in the end an illusion from the very start.
The fight is now among themselveselves as minorities watch while Republican politicians take a beating in town halls across America as the gravity of recent changes finally dawns on even former FAFO Trump white supporters.
Meanwhile, political drama down at Compton City Hall has therefore definitely taken a backseat to national drama as Compton residents are glued to their televisions and news stations.
Even the physical removal of the Compton City Attorney Eric Perrodin and his excommunication from Compton City Hall to a city building on Alameda while under investigation for misconduct has barely stirred a ripple.
Residents are instead trying to figure out their own future in a rapidly changing political landscape given the uncertain impact of major governmental changes taking place under President Trump.
No longer is local social media chatter majorly focused upon our local city government and its attempts to strike out in a new direction to extract itself from two decades of paralyzing corruption and incompetence under former Mayors Eric Perrodin and Aja Brown.
For the effort to rebuild the City of Compton is being undertaken under the direction and oversight of the State of California. Its three-year ordered step-by-step recovery plan is for now showing signs of working, yet the issue has been placed largely on the back burner by many residents save a few.
For this is a terrifying time of uncertainty in America and for many Compton residents. For many face their very own personal economic and democratic loss of safety in light of major and rapidly developing changes to our government and its institutions.
Changes being largely executed by the President’s designated hatchet man, billionaire Elon Musk, and his Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).
In so many different areas, Elon Musk’s sometimes ruthless changes may potentially wreak havoc locally on the City of Compton and specific residents who even now are preparing and poised for what unknown calamity may shortly appear on the horizon.
With more than 70% of the population of the City of Compton being Latino, and many undocumented and Spanish-speaking, the presence and reports of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) in the city has residents on edge and has brought fear into the lives of many Compton residents, families and businesses.
Trump has indicated his intent to deport millions over the next four years, both documented and undocumented based upon initial reports. His actions include an assault on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution passed in 1868 granted citizenship to freed slaves, but is now being considered to deny citizenship to native born children of undocumented immigrants.
While yet other protestors warn that even Black Americans, the direct descendants of slaves, should also be leery of the actual final hidden intention of Trump and his supporters.
But know the City of Compton has always been a safe haven for many undocumented residents, families and students. While there may be some strain between the two races, for the most part, Latino and Black residents have forged a shared humanity within these ten-square miles.
Therefore, accurate and inaccurate reports of ICE being present in Compton has brought a somber mood to our neighbors under threat. There is fear of being caught when out and about shopping or at businesses or work and schools as parents and kids make their way back and forth.
Lots of information and education on how to respond if stopped by ICE or deported or how to assert your rights if stopped is now being circulated in flyers, classes, community meetings, on the news, the internet and in social media postings.
Major protests against deportation are being held in the southland while immigration organizations like the ACLU and CHIRLA rush to respond to the new threat and crisis.
Yet even others Latinos are making their way back to Mexico and other countries, or creating or executing emergency plans to leave a broken uninviting America, or rushing to get their immigration paperwork completed in time.
This while Republican Latinos who voted for Trump, thinking themselves immune to deportation, are now crowding social media with reports of “FAFO” stories.
The symbolism of the Statue of Liberty with its saying to “Give us your huddled masses longing to be free” is no longer true in today’s America.
President Trump has launched a major assault includes 800 billion dollars in severe cuts to government socials services that may or may not ultimately impact many Compton individuals and families.
President Trump and the “President-Apparent” Elon Musk have announced major impending cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps, Social Security, Public Housing, Section 8 and other safety net programs.
This rollback has brought definite uncertainty to many Compton households about what their specific future may hold and what cuts will affect them in a rapidly changing national landscape.
Compton residents are tuned into see exactly what type and how cuts will be made to find out whether they or their family will be impacted by either the complete removal or a severe decrease in their social services.
And not even the disabled, special needs, homeless, veterans, seniors or the poor have been spared and must therefore await their fate. A fate can come anytime in a simple letter or email can completely alter their economic circumstances at a time when most live check-to-check.
This also at a time when Southern California is already experiencing spreading gentrification and a major homeless crisis, further exasperated by the recent Pacific Palisades and Altadena fires.
And while many social cuts were mistakenly thought largely aimed at minority groups, poor White Americans—especially from rural areas who are the majority recipients of many social services—are now awakening to the fact of being caught in the very same net of fear for their own future as they, too, are among those now counted as FAFO victims.
And while tinkering with benefits for individuals appears the administration’s focus, others are asking why corporation cuts are not a better solution.
For the oil and gas industry receives
three billion dollars in oil and gas subsidies. The hedge fund loophole costs taxpayers 1.3 billion dollars. Defense contractors received two trillion dollars spent for projects such as fighter jets don’t work. Pharmaceutical companies routinely receive millions in research grants and tax breaks. Plus, President Trump has promised la $4.5 trillion tax cut for the rich.
This while Elon Musk receives eight million dollars per day and 30 billion dollars in taxpayer money for his many companies. Then cancels a Veriizon contract for telecommunications worth 2.4 billion dollars which has now been re-awarded to Musk’s very own StarLink company.
Apparently being one of the richest men in the world is not enough. By looting the failing coffers of America from the inside out, Elon Musk is on target to be not only the richest man in the world but outer space.
Americans must now decide to draw the line on whether the poor and middle class or the rich and corporations will dominate the new America. One or the other will have to take a knee so the national boycott is on and now being joined by all walks of America.
Trump’s Project 2025 claims to aim to cut waste, fraud and abuse out of government.
Many are therefore rushing to read the Project 2025 900-page playbook published by the Heritage Foundation—a conservative think tank out of Washington DC—which lays out the path of recovery or destruction being implemented today by President Trump and Elon Musk.
There are over 100 conservative organizations have co-signed Project 2025 and its mandate to re-make and re-shape America in their mode.
Republicans have always campaigned for smaller government. Now in power, they have announced major cuts to the federal workforce and have sent out letters with intent to cut an astounding 200,000 federal employees from the government employment rolls.
Many government agencies are on the hatchet block including the Department of Education as white conservatives embrace private schools and the defunding of public schools.
The cuts are being done by not filling open jobs, freezing existing jobs, dismissing employees still on probation and eliminating some agencies and employees in their entirety.
The hit list of government agencies is widespread and includes:
A cut in any department may hold a trickle down effect on the City of Compton and all city agencies including Compton College and the Compton Unified School District.
For instance, CDBG (Community Development Block Grants) the City of Compton receives has been mentioned as one area facing major cuts, as well as the cancellation and defunding of billions in federal grant and contract opportunities.
How will a cut in expected funding hurt the city?
Will the elimination of the Department of Education impact local schools and students?
Know already that some major mistakes and unsupported claims of savings have already been debunked.
This includes the claim that millions of dollars in social security is being sent to the dead, up to age 200. The mistaken dismissal and immediate rehire of the employees oversee our nuclear systems. Changes in the FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) some argue are directly responsible for many recent aviation disasters and tragedies.
And understand the underlying intent and messages in some changes being made.
The firing of 700 National Park and 5700 U.S. Forest Service and Department of the Interior employees may just be a prelude to oil drilling being permitted on currently protected lands.
The elimination of job protections for federal employees to replace them with “political appointees” is just the restoration of the old boy white network with white conservative loyalists instead of competent independent employees.
No one is safe nor completely understands or knows what the landscape of America will look like after four years of Donald Trump’s redesigned America.
Neither will residents of the City Compton know whether their prospects will rise or fall in the uncertain months and years ahead.
Will your neighbors be allowed to stay in America? Will families financially be able to afford to continue to live in the City of Compton? Will our city government and agencies experience major financial setbacks?
Know first that Project 2025 is not an overnight plan. The conservatives have spent years thinking about executing these cuts which is why the steps are occurring so rapidly, one after the other.
Conservatives have spent years looking at government institutions and programs, designing or plotting a way to roll back what they feel is a liberal and bloated government bureaucracy.
But notice and make no mistake. The changes are an attack on all groups residing inside the City of Compton. We fit every targeted category: Blacks, Latinos, the poor, middle class, veterans, seniors, special needs, LGBTQ and others.
Compton is now unified in its potential for future suffering.
What will America look like in four years?
What will the City of Compton look like in four years in Trump’s New America?
The time is now to execute what buying power you might wield to send a message to those undercover white supremacists have one overriding flaw and Achilles heel—their greater love for the power of greed and the green almighty dollar.
For there is a very definite an under current of racism, oligarchy, rollback of liberal thinking, ending civil rights gains, rewarding the rich with a four trillion bonus, efforts to attract the world’s rich, fascination with facism and a king, the creation of a new modern permanent underclass, retaliation against specific persons, silencing the press and a feigned return of the original white mythical country and so forth.
Take your pick. The list is long.
For instance under the guise of trimming the fat, the question must be asked when did special needs children and even veterans become casualties? Some claim these overtures similar to the initial start of Nazism in Germany not many decades ago.
So we most definitely now are looking at man’s inhumanity to man play out on the local level in the City of Compton.
So be safe and join together in solidarity and always remember to…
Wake Up, Compton!
Cynthia Macon is a longtime resident of Compton and community activist