Jonathan T. Jackson has filed suit against Dr. Rashad Ritchie, Michael Shure and The Young Turks over comments made during a recent episode of Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Ritchie.

According to the suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, Jackson is alleging that Ritchie “framed Plaintiff as guilty of extortion and criminal misconduct, despite clear and documented evidence proving otherwise.”
“This case arises from the deliberate, defamatory, and malicious conduct of Defendants Dr. Rashad Richey (“Dr. Rashad Richey”), Michael Shure (“Shure”), and The Young Turks (“TYT”) (collectively, “Defendants”) through their program Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey. During their November 1, 2024, broadcast, Defendants knowingly and falsely accused Plaintiff Jonathan T. Jackson (“Plaintiff”) of extortion despite clear evidence of his exoneration in 2021. These false statements were broadcast to over 1.14 million YouTube subscribers, amplifying the harm to Plaintiff’s reputation, emotional well-being, and professional opportunities.”
“The segment escalated when Dr. Richey read aloud from a source explicitly stating that “the entire criminal case against him was dismissed” in 2021, including all charges of extortion.”
According to the suit efforts to have the statements retracted were unsuccessful.
Jackson is seeking unspecified damages.