The Los Angeles County Probation Department has released the details of a contract with a security company that is tasked with providing services at its juvenile hall facilities. According to the state of California, they are not licensed to do so.
The Los Angeles County Probation Department has released the details of a contract with a security company that is tasked with providing services at its juvenile hall facilities. According to the state of California, they are not licensed to do so.
According to the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) Citiguard Inc. used to operate under the name of Triple Crown Security Associates.
Both companies are run by the same individuals and BOTH companies licenses status are CANCELLED.
According to the Secretary of State, Citiguard Inc. shows a lengthy history of being suspended due to their failure to pay taxes.
According to sources within the probation department, additional security guards are being hired by the department, earning upwards of $45 per hour, which is more than the County’s Detention Services Officers (DSO) and are not permitted to work inside the halls they are tasked with providing security for.
A follow up records request has been sent to the probation department to determine if they are in possession of Citiguard Inc.’s current BSIS license.